Club Packs
Want to provide big box stores with an easy way to move your products from storeroom to store? Join the club! Club packs are a type of secondary packaging designed for warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam’s Club using trays and pallets. Companies use this solution when they need to package and ship products that have been placed in bulk tertiary packaging.
Club packs are popular because they offer a convenient way to display products for sale right on the pallet. The club store forklifts the entire pallet into their retail space, removes the wrap and protective cardboard lid, and voila! It’s ready for customers to shop. Because they’re already assembled and ready to go, correctly-packaged club packs can save retailers time and labor costs—which they recognize and appreciate.
Unlock Premium Club Pack Solutions
Ready to elevate your club packs? Contact us today for a free quote and discover how our innovative solutions can transform your supply chain efficiency.
Products Ideal for Club Packs
Personal care
Medicine & vitamins
Beauty & cosmetics
Office products
How Do Club Packs Work?
Typically, club packs are created by placing a group of tertiary packages into a PDQ tray, which is (as the name suggests) a quickly-assembled cardboard tray featuring an open front or all-open sides. Next, these units are placed on a pallet in an efficient pattern before being topped with a protective cardboard lid. The entire pallet is then wrapped and prepared for shipping.
Warehouse clubs have strict specifications when it comes to secondary packaging, and it’s constantly changing. In order to stay compliant, contract packaging companies need to be agile and adaptable. At McNerney, we’re both. We stay current with what big box retailers require and can design a custom solution for your project that adheres to these standards. We have the experience and expertise to manage your entire club pack packaging project from start to finish.